"भर जन्म घाँसतिर मन दिई धन कमायोनाम क्यै रहोस पछि भनेर कुवा खनायोघाँसी दरिद्र घरको तर बुद्धी कस्तोम भानुभक्त धनी भैकन आज यस्तोमेरा इनार न त सत्तल पाटी क्यै छन्जे धन र चीजहरू छन् घरभित्रनै छन्तेस घाँसीले कसरी आज दिएछ अर्तिधिक्कर हो मकन बस्नु न राखि किर्ती"

All his life he earns his little living cutting the grass.
And constructs a well for his name even after his vitality pass.
Indigent grass cutter but how high thinking is this.
Being Bhanubhakta but why did i myself did miss.
I have neither have wells nor rest houses, every riches i have is only within my house.
The grass cutter has opened my eyes today.
Worthless is the life whose memories of existence just fades away.
"जीवन नै एक सुनिश्चित जोखिम हो। जीवनको सार्थकता कुनै उद्देश्यका लागि प्रतिवध्दतामा निर्भर गर्दछ। मानिस आफ्नो सङ्कल्प र आस्थाले यथार्थमा मानिस हुन्छ।"

Life itself is an explicit risk. The significance of life depends on the commitment for a purpose. A human is in fact human because of his faith and determination.
‘के हो ठुलो जगतमा?’ ‘पसिना विवेक’
‘उद्देश्य के लिनु?’ ‘उडि छुनु चन्द्र एक।’

- what in the cosmos is mighty? hardship, knowledge is.
what to aim is? to fly high to touch the moon is.
'क्षेत्रीको छोरो यो पाउ छुन्छ, घिनले छुँदैन
मानिस ठूलो दिलले हुन्छ जातले हुँदैन ।’

- A Kshetriya touches your feet not with hatred but with love.
Great is the man with a great heart; not with great caste, creed nor birth.